How to Build Metrics that Earn Your CEO’s Attention in this Environment

Fair360’s July 10 webinar, “How to Build Metrics that Earn Your CEO’s Attention in this Environment,” featured insights from leaders at BASF (No. 22 on the 2024 Top 50 Companies list). These leaders shared their perspectives on how to craft an inclusion strategy that secures the support of executive leadership. A key part of pursuing that goal is outlining workplace fairness metrics that integrate with a broader business strategy.

Building a Narrative From Data

Alec Neumann-Loreck, Senior Vice President, Regional Service Delivery, North and South America, began with a discussion of how to integrate data and storytelling. To secure leadership buy-in, it’s important to use human capital data to build a narrative of business success.

“It’s not all in the metrics … you need to tell a compelling story that makes sense for people that’s meaningful,” said Neumann-Loreck. “In the end, you have to tie it to your company’s success and how it moves your company forward in your own context.”

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