KPMG ranked No. 11 on The Fair360, formerly DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity list in 2022.
KPMG recently published its Healthcare Horizons report, which warns that the health care systems of the world face an onslaught of future crises that can only be mitigated with an inclusivity-based approach.
“Long before COVID-19, workforce supply and wellbeing, and increased service demand due to aging and growing population and increased non-communicable disease burden were challenging healthcare systems,” said Dr. Anna van Poucke, Global Head of Health Care at KPMG. “Looking towards the future, the report highlights that the pandemic will likely prove to be just the first of several successive waves of crises that are expected to batter the industry such as a global recession, COVID response-related debt, geopolitical instability and climate change disasters.”
The first of three possible scenarios the healthcare system can face is “impoverished.” In this scenario, organizations revert to pre-pandemic business operations, relying on hospital-centric care and hiring new staff and instead of digital accessibility and employee well-being.
With this direction, organizations could end up becoming overwhelmed by demands and costs, which could lead to systemic collapse and a decline in the health of the population.
The second scenario that KPMG predicts is “alienated.” In this scenario, healthcare organizations lean too far toward technical transformation and leave behind community and workforce engagement. This could lead to health care only being received by the privileged and digitally literate.
The last and preferred scenario is “inclusive.” Healthcare is digitally accessible for those who need it, workplaces are supported with needed assets and communities engage in dismantling health inequity.
“The Healthcare Horizons report calls for immediate action to address past and future challenges and urges decision makers to focus on an inclusive approach through which technology, workforce and community-driven ways of working act like a triangle with each side strengthening the others,” according to KPMG.