National Disability Employment Awareness Month Facts and Figures

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is observed throughout October, celebrating the contributions of employees with disabilities and promoting inclusive practices in workplaces. This year’s theme, “Access to Good Jobs for All,” emphasizes the importance of equal employment opportunities for People with Disabilities (PwD).

Key highlights include:

  • Workforce Representation: People with disabilities represent 4.2% of the overall workforce and 3.6% of management positions at Top 50 companies.
  • Disability Prevalence: 28.7% of Americans have some form of disability.

NDEAM 2024 Cultural Connection Toolkit

Our National Disability Employment Awareness Month Cultural Connection Toolkit for 2024, created in partnership with the National Organization on Disability (NOD), provides essential resources to promote deeper understanding and encourage meaningful action toward disability inclusion in the workplace.

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