How to Approach Conversations About Mass Shootings in the Workplace

So far in 2022, there have been more mass shootings than days in the year with a total of 213 so far. The most recent tragic shootings include the Buffalo, New York, shooting where a white man shot at 13 people and killed 10 in an incident targeting Black people. And this week, an 18-year-old shot and killed 19 students and two adults at a K-12 school in Uvalde, Texas. 

These devastating events are processed differently by everyone, and as an employer, it might be a good idea to check in with your employees to see how they are feeling. 

On a recent Fair360, formerly DiversityInc webinar titled “Mental Health: Redefining Wellbeing in the Workplace,” panelists were asked how they address the needs of employees of color following the mass shooting in Buffalo. 

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