Luke Visconti

Luke Visconti is the founder and chairman of Fair360. Visconti started the company in 1997 as a media organization dedicated to fairness in corporate America. In 2001, he launched the Top 50 list, a revolutionary tool for benchmarking organizations committed to inclusion and equality. He has since guided Fair360 to be the number one source of comparative human capital data and workplace best practices.

Visconti is chair of the National Organization on Disability (NOD) and chair of New Jersey City University. He sits on the boards of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). He created the Fair360 Foundation, a 501(c)(3) which has endowed scholarships at the three schools where he has/had a board seat: Bennett College (Historically Black), New Jersey City University (Hispanic Serving) and Rutgers University.

Visconti holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. He is a veteran, having served as a Naval aviator for more than eight years on active duty and another 18 months in the reserves. He served as a member of the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel for almost 10 years and served as a Special Advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations for another four years. He is a stroke survivor and is partially paralyzed.

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