About Fair360

Fair360, formerly DiversityInc is a news and media organization that seeks to empower, educate, embolden and enlighten.

We are committed to publishing articles and resources that spark real change. We are not static. We are a constant movement of information, ideas and discourse, and that is why we need you.

Our readers are key to this movement; key to our community of Changemakers. This platform is for you. It is vital that you register, comment, respond, ask questions, and SHARE what you read.

If you have a tip, question, new information, or proposed correction for one of our articles, please contact us at info@fair360.com.

Editorial Ethics & Corrections Policies:  

Maintaining our integrity, so that you can trust the information we provide, is of utmost importance to our mission. We investigate claims with skepticism; question assumptions; challenge conventional wisdom; confirm information with subject-matter experts; and seek to corroborate what sources tell us by talking with other informed people or consulting documents. We verify content against source documents and always make clear who is providing the information.
We are also committed to telling readers when an error has been
made and correcting the information as quickly as
possible. This commitment and transparency is applicable to small errors as well as large, to short news summaries as well as large features. Never hesitate to contact us at info@fair360.com, as our commitment is to you.