Kaiser Permanente Partners to Improve the Health of Homeless Individuals

Kaiser Permanente is a Fair360 Top 50 Hall of Fame company.


Kaiser Permanente is partnering with nonprofit organizations to help provide healthcare for people experiencing homelessness in the San Bernardino and Riverside counties in Los Angeles, also known as the Inland Empire.

As part of Kaiser Permanente’s Housing for Health community grant, the nearly $3 million investment aims to improve the health of people experiencing homelessness, prevent evictions, advocate for affordable housing policy changes and development and strengthen homeless response systems.

The grant also aims to expand existing services and programs, develop strategic partnerships and raise awareness with policy leaders and elected officials to identify more housing and homelessness resources.

“Improving health is more than providing high-quality health care. And I strongly believe that good health begins in our communities,” said Sammy Totah, Senior Vice President and Area Manager for Kaiser Permanente in Riverside and Moreno Valley.

The Housing for Health community grant was launched when the company identified an inadequate supply of affordable and permanent housing and an opportunity for organizations to work together to make a difference for people experiencing homelessness.

Read more at about.kaiserpermanente.org.