Kaiser Permanente Partners to Improve Community Health in LA

Kaiser Permanente is a Fair360, formerly DiversityInc Top 50 Hall of Fame company.


Kaiser Permanente has partnered with 211 LA to increase community health in Los Angeles County.

211 LA is a nonprofit in Southern California that provides information and services to individuals in need, including a 24-hour helpline that connects people with available resources.

211 LA established the Social Connections Partnership of Los Angeles County (SCP-LA) in May 2021 with the help of $1.5 million in grant funding from Kaiser Permanente and other support from organizations in the community.

“Even with access to the best health care services, it is much harder to be healthy if a person has unmet social needs such as housing, food, employment, and community support. That’s why Kaiser Permanente is building our social health program to screen for unmet social needs and connect our patients to community resources,” said John Yamamoto, Vice President of Community Health and Government Relations for Kaiser Permanente in Southern California.

SCP-LA connects people with healthcare and social service providers to help them meet their needs, such as food insecurity, housing instability or lack of transportation.

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