Kaiser Permanente Improves Waste Regulation in California

Kaiser Permanente is a Fair360, formerly DiversityInc Top 50 Hall of Fame company.


Kaiser Permanente has improved and expanded waste regulation at its facilities in California.

The company developed a 3-step approach:

  1. Conduct assessments to identify the types of waste generated and provide solutions to dispose of waste in the appropriate receptacles
  2. Observe disposal techniques at worksites and provide just-in-time training to ensure compliance with proper practices
  3. Implement annual training on proper waste disposal processes

“We dedicated many hours to identifying and closing gaps to strengthen our regulated waste disposal program and are confident in our ability not only to meet the monitoring and reporting requirements of this settlement, but to comply with the numerous requirements that apply to the different kinds of waste that result from caring for millions of Californians,” the company wrote.

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