Pop Star Demi Lovato Comes Out as Nonbinary; Announces Change in Pronouns

Pop singer Demi Lovato, known best for their work on the Disney Channel and most recently for performing at President Joe Biden’s inauguration, revealed on May 19 that they are nonbinary and will now be using “they/them” pronouns.

Rob Picheta of CNN reported that Lovato said they are “proud” to make the change and that it has taken “a lot of healing and a lot of self-reflective work.”

According to Picheta, “Lovato, who rose to fame as a teenage movie star and has become one of the world’s most popular singers over the past decade, made the announcement to fans in a video and tweets posted online.”

“I feel that this best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am and still am discovering,” Lovato said.

“I’m still learning & coming into myself, and I don’t claim to be an expert or a spokesperson. Sharing this with you now opens another level of vulnerability for me,” Lovato said. “I’m doing this for those out there that haven’t been able to share who they truly are with their loved ones. Please keep living in your truths & know I am sending so much love your way.”


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