Government Shutdown Ends, Temporarily

As mounting pressure grew, President Trump is ending the longest government shutdown in history, but only through Feb. 15.

Earlier this month, Trump said he would was willing to continue the shutdown for “months, a year or even longer,” if he did not get his way. Friday’s announcement comes after Congressional Democrats, literally, used every ounce of their power, which was regained during the midterm elections.

Talks of building a border wall aren’t off of the table. Trump has stated that during the next three weeks Democrats and Republicans will meet with homeland security experts to put together a bill to fund efforts to “secure United States’ borders.”

“They are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump said. “Barrier or walls will be an important part of the solution.”

“There are discussions on the Senate side,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Friday morning as she entered the Capitol. “We are in touch with them.”

According to an unnamed source, a few Republican senators began to urge the president to end the shutdown and to find another way to get his wall funded.

The major outlying factors that “helped” our nation’s leader come to his decision were: widespread disruptions and incredulous delays in our nation’s airports. And many government employees were unable to take care of their basic needs such as: buying food and paying mortgages.

The five-week shutdown affected an astounding 800,000 employees. Trump has already signed a bill guaranteeing back pay for federal workers who haven’t received pay. So, ideally, workers should receive the pay they missed in just a few days.