Promoting Fair Treatment and Inclusive Practices for Pregnant Workers

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on March 16, 2023 and was updated on February 26, 2024.

If you work for a company that offers any range of benefits, it is likely the organization also offers generous time off for expecting mothers. But does the employer have inclusive hiring practices and considerations for pregnant workers while they are on the job?

According to a 2022 survey from the Bipartisan Policy Center and Morning Consult, 1 in 5 mothers have experienced pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. The research shows that millennials are 18% more likely to witness bias than Gen X (9%) and Baby Boomers (7%). In some cases, this has led mothers (21% of respondents) to fear telling their employer about their pregnancy. They believe their employer will discriminate against them or retaliate in some way.

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