Driving Fairness: Top Companies for Asian American Executives 

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Fair360’s Top Companies for Asian American Executives specialty list measures the hiring, promotion and retention of Asian Americans within companies. This includes employees in Management Levels 1-4 and the Highest-Paid 10%. In 2023, 19 companies made the list: 

  1. Mastercard 
  2. Toyota North America 
  3. Blue Shield of California 
  4. Medtronic 
  5. The Hershey Company 
  6. Eli Lilly and Company 
  7. TIAA 
  8. Hilton 
  9. EY 
  10. ADP 
  11. Accenture 
  12. The Boeing Company 
  13. Dow 
  14. Comcast NBCUniversal 
  15. Abbott 
  16. Kaiser Permanente 
  17. KPMG 
  18. Humana  
  19. The Cigna Group

The Top Companies for Asian American Executives list also measures mentoring, sponsorship and high-potential programs. We examine the board of directors, executive fairness council, leadership’s commitment to achieving proportional race representation and the company’s dedicated recruiting practices that target Asian American employees. 

Here’s a look at the programs, policies and practices that set the five Top Companies for Asian American Executives apart. 

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