Tips for Accommodating Employees During Eid al-Adha 

While many non-Muslims may be familiar with the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, there is another, even more sacred holiday in the Islamic calendar: Eid al-Adha. To cultivate an authentically inclusive workplace, organizational leaders should familiarize themselves with this important celebration. Understanding the history of Eid al-Adha is essential to developing an organizational culture that values its Muslim employees. 

What is Eid al-Adha? 

In the Islamic faith, practicing Muslims typically celebrate two official holidays each year. These festivals, known as an “Eid” in Arabic, represent celebrations of two significant events in the history of Islam. The first, Eid al-Fitr (translated as “festival of breaking the fast”), occurs at the end of the holy month of Ramadan. This sacred month is a celebration of the first revelation of Allah to Muhammad and the subsequent writing of the Quran.  

The second festival, or Eid, is Eid al-Adha (pronounced “EED al UHD–huh). This festival commemorates the actions of another prophet central to the history of Islam: Ibrahim. As the story is told in the Quran, Ibrahim was called upon to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, to Allah. As an act of faith, Ibrahim takes Ishmael to a sacrificial altar to carry out Allah’s command. However, just as he has prepared Ishmael to be sacrificed, Allah calls out to stop him, saying, “O, Ibrahim, you have already fulfilled the vision!” Because of his faith and willingness to sacrifice his own son, Allah rewards Ibrahim by blessing him with many descendants. To Muslims, the story of Ibrahim and Ishmael is a reminder of the commitment to Allah required in the Islamic faith.  

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