5 Biggest News Stories of the Week: January 27

As the saying goes, the news never stops — but there’s a lot of it out there, and all of it doesn’t always pertain to our readers. In this weekly news roundup, we’ll cover the top news stories that matter most to our diversity focused audience.

1. Wave of Mass Shootings Underline Importance of Checking In With Employees

After two mass shootings happened within days of each other and another shooting happened in Yakima, Washington, this week, there’s been more mass shootings that have happened so far in 2023 than days in the year. 

The shootings in Half Moon Bay, California, on Monday resulted in five men and two women being killed and another man injured. This happened three days after a gunman opened fire on a dance studio in Monterey Park that left 11 dead and nine injured. In both tragedies, the shooters were men over 60 of Asian descent. The victims of the Half Moon Bay shootings were farmworkers of Asian and Hispanic descent.

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