5 December Holidays to Inclusively Celebrate in the Workplace

Christmas is a popular December holiday in Western cultures. Additionally, the month is a time of celebration for many groups other than Christians. To ensure your organization is fair and inclusive, it’s crucial to incorporate the full variety of holidays into your festivities.

However, being inclusive around holidays is not limited to December. For example, certain nations where Islam is the predominant religion may have a December holiday, but don’t celebrate a universal holiday that all Muslims observe at the year’s end. Holidays are a great opportunity to provide cultural education for all employees.

With a focus on inclusivity, we’ll cover five December celebrations to consider in your holiday practices.


Data from the Pew Research Center shows that 90% of Americans celebrate Christmas. Many people celebrate the holiday on December 25 each year, but 250 million Orthodox Christians observe Christmas in the first week of January.

Christmas can be inclusive courtesy of the various traditions created over the years. These include gift exchanges, tree lightings, toy drives and more.

While Christmas is the most prevalent December holiday in North America, organizations must place guidelines on decorum around respect for other holidays, traditions and religions. Employers must also consider workers who are not religious but celebrate the holiday as an annual gathering with loved ones.

In the workplace, place spending limits on gift exchanges and emphasize the voluntary nature of participating in Christmas-related events. Also, while it is ultimately up to each employee to decide which greeting they use, the company policy should be to wish everyone happy holidays.


Hanukkah, also spelled Chanukah, is a Jewish holiday celebrating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. The eight-day celebration stems from what was believed to be a miracle, as there was only enough oil to burn the menorah’s candles for one day during the rededication.

The holiday falls on different dates each year and is determined by the Hebrew calendar. After the sun sets, a new candle is added to the menorah each night during Hanukkah. Blessings are recited, Hanukkah-specific foods are served and gifts are exchanged.

This year, Hanukkah begins at sundown on December 7 and ends on December 15 in the evening.


Starting the day after Christmas this year, Kwanzaa is the annual week-long celebration for African Americans based on African harvest festival traditions, primarily in West and Southeast Africa.

Kwanzaa was first celebrated in 1966, with each of the seven days representing the principles of Kwanzaa:

  • Unity
  • Self-determination
  • Collective work and responsibility
  • Economic cooperation
  • Purpose
  • Creativity
  • Faith

Recognizing the historical significance of Kwanzaa is essential. But before organizing events showcasing its traditions, employers should engage with the community celebrating it. Due to its roots as a holiday for the Black community, majority-white organizations celebrating it may be viewed as cultural appropriation. Kwanzaa celebrations in the workplace must be approached thoughtfully.

Boxing Day

Boxing Day originated in what is now the United Kingdom. The donation box for the poor kept at churches was traditionally distributed to the community, which still happens today in some places. Additionally, Boxing Day has become a national day off in many former British colonies, celebrated with sporting events, parades or street festivals.


New Year’s Eve holds significant cultural importance around the globe. But in Japan, its significance resonates deeply. It involves several traditions that honor the concept of “engi.” Engi translates broadly to luck. It’s an important day in Japanese culture to set a person up for the upcoming year.

Year-end preparations are made with close attention to details. The intent is to tie up loose ends to prevent any misfortune in the current year from spilling over into the New Year. The tradition dictates that kitchens should be kept quiet for the first three days of the year. On this day, food is prepared, and sweets, snacks and other items are stocked up. Year-end cleaning is also common.

Omisoka can be a fun version of New Year’s traditions to share with employees. It also provides an opportunity to challenge all involved to consider what they do and don’t want to carry into the New Year.

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