KPMG Takes Patient-Centric Approach to Healthcare

KPMG ranked No. 6 on the Fair360 Top 50 Companies for Diversity list in 2023.


Dr. Anna van Poucke, Global Head of Healthcare and Senior Partner of KPMG in the Netherlands shared her thoughts on taking a patient-centric approach to healthcare.

Although healthcare systems around the world differ from each other, all are facing the same issues related to service access and demand, workforce shortages and staff burnout.

Dr. van Poucke said an inclusive approach to transformation should be taken in addressing healthcare’s challenges, investing in technology and digital infrastructures while taking a patient-first approach to future planning.

“Every citizen of the planet — regardless of location or circumstances, will engage and interact with healthcare providers at various points in their life,” Dr. van Poucke said. “Healthcare systems and the millions of people who keep them functioning are at the beating heart of keeping our world healthy and sustainable. To ensure the various systems throughout the planet continue to grow and help shape healthy, equitable societies, patient-centric innovation will be key.”

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