Southern PowerSecure Holdings CEO Sidney Hinton Announces Retirement

Originally Published by Southern Company.

Southern Company announced that Sidney Hinton, CEO of Southern PowerSecure Holdings and its subsidiary, PowerSecure, is retiring effective Oct. 31. Hinton will be succeeded at Southern PowerSecure Holdings by Mark Lantrip, who will continue as chairman, president and CEO of Southern Power.

PowerSecure, the largest deployer of microgrids in the U.S., not only will continue to lead in energy infrastructure solutions, but it will drive the industry forward by redefining system resilience. Under Lantrip’s leadership, PowerSecure will seek to increase implementation and adoption of its cutting-edge distributed infrastructure. Complete with advanced smart grid capabilities, microgrid controls, proprietary storage, switchgear and service solutions, PowerSecure is meeting the evolving, technology-driven energy requirements of customers in the digital economy.

The combined capabilities of subsidiaries PowerSecure, Southern Power (wholesale energy and clean energy solutions provider) and Sequent Energy Management (comprehensive fuel management capability) give Southern Company the ability to employ a cohesive force to conceive, build, develop and execute cutting-edge energy solutions for commercial, industrial, municipal, federal, state and military customers across the U.S.

Joining the PowerSecure leadership team in the implementation and achievement of this vision will be Jim Smith, as Group Executive for Distributed Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency Services; Christine Thom as CFO; Sam Newberry as President of PowerSecure Lighting and Tommy Kellogg as President of Utility Infrastructure. Smith, Thom, Newberry and Kellogg have held numerous leadership roles within Southern Company.