U.S. Headquarters
Detroit, MI
Financial Services
U.S. Employees
Michael Rhodes

“When I think about inclusion, it’s really all about ensuring you’re capturing a very diverse set of insights, experiences and judgements. I need people who think differently than me, whose life experiences are different than me, who can bring perspectives that I don’t necessarily have myself. And success is really about building the team together. I know we’ve done a lot of great work here at Ally on that, and I’m looking forward to doing my part to reinforce it.”

Reggie Willis
Chief Diversity Officer

“Culture is the day-to-day activity that creates our norms and value systems. Culture connects us to our past, grounds us in our present and guides us to our future.
A culture that connects people to a purpose is what allows us all to feel a sense of belonging.”

From the Company

Ally Financial’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) shows up in our 2023 employee engagement survey score for belonging, which is five points above the financial services industry benchmark and within the top 10% of all global companies.

At Ally, DE&I is everyone’s responsibility. Every employee has a specific culture-related performance objective with a strong focus on DE&I. Also, for executive leaders, performance objectives and reviews include a specific focus on representation. Our commitment to inclusion emphasizes representation, transparency, accountability and action for our employees. As of December 31, 2023, our gender representation is approximately 51% men and 49% women. We increased or maintained representation of women and people of color in our manager and above roles.

Strategically, we weave DE&I through our human capital efforts – from pipelining candidates, onboarding and all throughout the employee lifecycle. We are proud to share our accomplishments, including increasing our impact by growing ERG membership to 59% and expanding our DE&I earning offerings through “Conversations with Allies,” a program designed to help employees learn about inclusion best practices. The program started strong by delivering content on allyship and compassionate leadership and recording 1,100+ completions.

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