National Volunteer Month: How Companies Can Connect Employees With Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a selfless undertaking involving someone giving their own time to participate in projects that focus on addressing the needs of others. For companies who want to improve the communities where they do business – and the well-being of their workforce –  connecting employees with volunteer opportunities is one of the most impactful things they can do.

It’s especially something to focus on during National Volunteer Month in April. It’s typically a time when employers celebrate those who volunteer and encourage others to donate their time to volunteer work.

The Impact on Community

The collective impact of what volunteers do is nothing short of incredible. The latest “Volunteering and Civic Life in America” report from AmeriCorps that in 2021, an estimated 23.2% of Americans – more than 60.7 million people – formally volunteered with organizations. They served an estimated 4.1 billion hours, providing an economic value of $122.9 billion.

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