2023 Top 50: Fireside Chat: Creating Powerful Connections Through DEI

BASF (No. 23 on the 2023 Top 50 Companies for Diversity list) North America Chairman and CEO Michael Heinz recently shared insights on how his diverse upbringing and global work experiences have shaped his leadership and understanding of workplace fairness, 

During the fireside chat at Fair360’s Top 50 event in New York City on May 2 (Fair360 was formerly DiversityInc), Fair360 CEO Carolynn Johnson asked Heinz how his global perspective gained from working in various regions of the world has influenced his leadership and understanding of workplace fairness.  

Heinz discussed his upbringing, which included his grandfather, a World War II veteran, having a disability and a family member coming out as gay 30 years ago. Heinz detailed how those experiences shaped his values and made him an ally for marginalized groups.  

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