The Benefits of Benchmarking: Medtronic’s Michaela Samoudi on Moving up on the Top 50 List

Medtronic has participated in the Fair360 Top 50 Companies survey (formerly the DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity survey) for over a decade, with the goal of making it into the Top 10. The healthcare technology company first reached that goal in 2022 and surpassed it in 2023, ranking No. 2 on the Top 50 list.

Michaela Samoudi, Senior Manager of External Surveys and Benchmarking, Global Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (GIDE) at Medtronic, was hired into the newly created position in 2021 and has led the strategy that helped the company jump 31 spots on the list since 2020.

The next goal for Medtronic? Achieving a number one ranking.Medtronic Benefits of Benchmarking

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