U.S. Headquarters
Walnut Creek, CA
U.S. Employees
Mike Zukerman
Interim President and CEO
“We’re adopting a Total Social Impact lens – assessing the total benefit our products, services, operations, core capabilities and activities bring to society and, in particular, to diverse and marginalized communities. Our focus has expanded, our ambitions have strengthened and our activities to support our communities and planet have become more integrated, urgent and effective. This year, and every year, we commit to assessing our programs and policies through the lens of equity and community impact and, when necessary, creating changes to deepen our impact as a corporate citizen.”
Esayas Wureta
Head of Inclusion, Belonging and Community Impact

“We’re focused on building an organization that supports inclusivity and promotes equity across the organization. A strong company culture doesn’t happen by chance. It has to be intentional and human-centered. Our passion lies in creating an empowering environment, both within our workplace and the communities we serve. This unwavering dedication serves as the guiding force behind all our endeavors, shaping our actions and decisions.”

From the Company

In the past year, we made strides in advancing equity and inclusion within our organization. We conducted training sessions for our people leaders, incorporating inclusion into processes and decision-making. Female representation achieved parity with the US labor force, improving workforce diversity. We introduced a systems-thinking approach to analyze systemic inequities and develop strategies to address them.

To mitigate bias in performance reviews, we piloted an AI tool for real-time coaching. Community engagement grew, with more employees volunteering and supporting causes. Pro bono programming improved, resulting in a 200% increase in volunteers and nonprofit participants. Our program received positive feedback, with 97% of partners stating it met or exceeded goals and participants rating deliverables as good or excellent. We received awards for our DEI and community impact efforts in 2023, and we scored 100 on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, affirming our commitment to LGBTQ+ employees.

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