“We are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace because we believe it is essential to our long-term sustainability and success — it drives progress, innovation and our business forward. At State Street, this focus enables us to attract and retain talent, better serve our clients and engage with new partners and suppliers — while at the same time strengthening our economy and communities.”

“Inclusion, diversity and equity should no longer be abstract terms that companies use in a perfunctory way. These practices should be core to how all of our organizations do business, remain competitive and innovative while positively impacting communities. Our opportunities to succeed will be measured by our ability to maintain cultures where everyone feels that they belong, they matter and that they are treated fairly.”
From the Company
State Street Corporation is one of the world’s leading providers of financial services to institutional investors, including investment servicing, investment management and investment research and trading.
The 10 State Street Actions to address racism and inequality were introduced in July 2020 and focused on enhancing our inclusion, diversity and equity programs by building more equity through our processes and policies inclusive of learning, hiring and talent management.
We have committed to the Management Leadership for Tomorrow Black (BEW) and Hispanic (HEW) Equity at Work certification programs. Currently, we are recertified Bronze for BEW and Bronze certified for HEW. State Street is the first Global Systemically Important Financial Institution (G-SIFI) to be certified in both BEW and HEW.
State Street’s Civil Rights Audit report was published in May 2023. National civil rights law firm Relman Colfax conducted the audit with a focus on our products and services and whether our business policies, practices and products/services have advanced civil rights for protected classes in the US and/or how they might in the future. Since the publication, State Street has activated many of the recommendations detailed in the report, set up a governance structure inclusive of senior leader sponsorship and established an executive-level committee to oversee implementation. We look forward to publishing a Civil Rights Audit progress report in the near future.
See more here.
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