Fair360’s Recruitment and Hiring Playbook: 5 Essential Steps for Improving and Promoting ‘Diversity Brand Equity’

Fair360, formerly DiversityInc Best Practice’s “Recruitment and Hiring Playbook” is an insider’s guide for talent acquisition teams that provides insights on fair hiring practices, as well as tips on organizational support and accountability. Check back soon for more insights on these essential concepts in diverse and inclusive recruiting.

Let’s face it, talent acquisition teams carry the weight of the company on their shoulders. After all, who they decide to bring into the organization sets the tone for everything else. When you add diversity recruitment and hiring into the mix, the challenges involved in doing your job — and doing it well — become even greater. It becomes so much more than simply hitting a hiring goal for the sake of diversity. 

Diversity recruiting is a long game, and there are consequences around every corner. It is also everyone’s responsibility within the organization — not just talent acquisition, HR or the DEI team. In order for that team to successfully meet the diversity hiring initiatives, everyone needs to stand true to the company’s core values, its genuine intentions, as well as its diversity goals. Diversity recruiting and hiring is about doing the right thing by all people by removing the biases as best we can to find the right person for the job.

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