People on the Move: Corie Pauling, President and CEO of the Alumni Association, University of Michigan

The Alumni Association of the University of Michigan has named Corie Pauling, ’93, as its President and CEO, effective Oct. 19. She will be the first woman and first Black President and CEO of the association. She was unanimously approved as President and CEO by the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors during a vote during a meeting on Sept. 15.

Pauling is currently the Senior Vice President, Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer, and Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at TIAA (No. 8 on Fair360, formerly DiversityInc’s 2022 Top 50 Companies for Diversity list). She’s been with the company since 2006 and in her current role since 2018.

Kathleen Wilson-Thompson, ’79, chair of the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors, said in a statement that she is excited for alumni to get to know Pauling.

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