Driving Fairness in Shifting Times: Strategies for Leadership and Management

Leadership and management effectiveness are critical to navigating changing workplace dynamics. As organizations continue to evolve, leaders are challenged to adapt their approaches, foster inclusive environments and consider demographic shifts in senior management. 

How Has the Workplace Evolved? 

Data from Fair360’s 2023 Top 50 Companies survey shows more men in senior management positions than women. In fact, men hold 62.74% of total senior management positions while women hold 37.22% of those roles.  

While men comprise a larger share of senior leadership among the Top 50 companies, women are climbing the corporate ladder. In 2022, women represented nearly 36% of senior management positions among Top 50 companies. They held almost 38% of those positions in 2023. Regarding promotions, 46% of Top 10 companies’ senior executive promotions were women.  

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