CDO Interview: Alveda Williams, Chief Inclusion Officer at Dow

For Chief Diversity Officers, the last few years have been a tumultuous time. Some have sought new roles as former employers failed to deliver on promises and others chased new challenges where they felt they could make a greater impact, find better resources or simply grow their own careers.

This interview is the latest in a series dedicated to catching up with CDOs who have moved in recent years or ascended into a CDO role for the first time. We discuss their experience, what the move has done for them, the work they’re doing and the advice they have for other aspiring or current CDOs.

Alveda Williams isn’t new to diversity work, but her ascension into Dow’s Chief Inclusion Officer role in 2022 sees her tasked with filling the shoes of Karen S. Carter, the first Chief Inclusion Officer in the company’s history. Williams has a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, allowing her to bring a unique blend of scientific thinking, project management, talent acquisition and strategic development experience to the role.

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