Fair360’s Recruitment and Hiring Playbook: Fair Hiring Practices

If you are feeling exhausted after reading part one and part two of this playbook, you have an idea of how much work goes into hiring diverse candidates. It’s no easy feat, and it’s constantly evolving as the job market changes. However, all those efforts are null and void without the practice of continuously evaluating and improving your organization’s hiring practices.

It starts by constructing dependable processes and structures for hiring practices with every candidate. It is vital that all hiring touchpoints are free from bias for both internal and external candidates. It’s especially important to ensure that the standards, requirements, and methods of hiring new employees are clear, neutral, and unbiased.

Requiring unconscious-bias training for the entire hiring team is a great place to start, but it’s just as important to ensure consistent and fair-hiring practices with all employment decisions, including internal promotions, salary increases and job assignments.

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