When you think of supplier diversity, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a business that produces goods. However, that doesn’t mean businesses that don’t produce goods can’t move the needle on supplier diversity.
The big four accounting firms, EY (a Fair360, formerly DiversityInc Hall of Fame company), KPMG (No. 11 on Fair360, formerly DiversityInc’s 2022 Top 50 Companies for Diversity list), PwC (a Hall of Fame company) and Deloitte, are working to explore what they can do differently as businesses to improve supplier diversity within their own organizations and how they can better serve their clients, many of whom are interested in using diverse suppliers.
Understanding that supplier diversity affects the entire industry and that the industry’s unique requirements called for collaboration, the four companies work with supplier diversity partner organizations like the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) and the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). The two organizations help foster industry groups to encourage companies with similar business profiles to collaborate on supplier diversity. Thus, the Professional Services Industry (PSI) group was born.